Coronavirus: Age NI advice on how to support pensioners during Covid-19 pandemic

Age NI has given advice on supporting elderly relatives and neighboursAge NI has given advice on supporting elderly relatives and neighbours
Age NI has given advice on supporting elderly relatives and neighbours
Age NI says it has noticed an increase in queries from elderly people since the Coronavirus pandemic began - but that it is monitoring the situation to give the most up to date support.

Age NI CEO Linda Robinson said they had noticed an increase in queries from older people and their families following the announcement that older people and other vulnerable groups should stay at home for 12 weeks.

“Some older people had already taken steps to self isolate, planning with their family how they can successfully stay at home,” she said.

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“Others have asked questions about the continuation of the care services they rely on every day. Most older people we speak to are very careful about following PHA advice on hand hygiene, using and binning a tissue when coughing or sneezing and alert to measures on social distancing.”

The key message is that “we are all in this together”.

She added: “We are sharing information about the steps they can take to protect themselves and others and we are asking our staff, volunteers and the older people we support to follow PHA advice on staying well. We are monitoring the situation closely, responding to the rapidly changing situation and taking steps to safeguard our staff, volunteers and the older people we support.”

The message to people is to look out for older people you know to make sure they are okay and have the information they need to protect themselves. “We are also asking everyone to think about helping older people by picking up shopping or help with running some errands.

“We all need to step up to help older people and their families to get through this. Some older people will be able to draw on support from their families but others will not be in this position. There are a lot of great examples of local people and communities doing what they can to support older people at this time. We are going to have to put some infrastructure in place as a matter of urgency to help older people and others in the community. Age NI, along with other charities and public bodies, will be considering how we can work together.”

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She also advised people of things not to do when trying to help.

“It is important to keep more of a distance, not to hug, kiss or shake hands. There is very useful guidance on the Public Health Agency (PHA) web site for anyone who is self isolating at home.”

She encouraged people to think of other ways to stay in touch with older relatives, friends or neighbours.

“Say hello to a neighbour, reassure them they are not alone. Encourage people to do the things that they enjoy and stay active, even if this is in the garden or front room. It’s important that we know the facts but perhaps take a break from reading, watching or listening to the constant news on Coronavirus that makes you feel anxious or distressed.”

Age NI helpline freephone 0808 808 7575

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